"If you give a hungry man food, he will eat it; if you give him land, he will grow his own food."
– Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer

Building Justice Through
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
AgQuity Solutions (which stands for Equitable Agrarian Solutions), serves as an aide, advocate, and representative for our diverse cadre of clients, from leaders in the food and climate justice movements to agricultural companies looking to build JEDI into their institutions.
Food and farming systems undergird economic and community development. Communities most impoverished are in food apartheids, living in food insecure areas vapid of quality, healthy, and affordable food. The underprivileged, historically underserved farmers, and geographically distressed and underserved places are consistently overlooked. The United States has a longstanding history of designing systematic inequalities that intentionally or ignorantly socially exclude, oppress, and exploit marginalized groups and communities from national and State resources and opportunities. And, as a result, these communities are hardest hit during times of national or global crisis.
As a social enterprise, we are a business with the social objective of serving a racially and culturally diverse cadre of historically underserved frontline farmers, workers, and their communities through supporting coalitions and alliances of frontline community-based organizations. Justice is the foundation of our agrarian equity (AgQuity) work. Equity is being fair by removing barriers, building access, and providing resources through intersectional, needs-specific methods. Without it, justice is impossible to achieve.
Guiding Principles
Our Purpose
We exist to improve the conditions of diverse agrarian people and communities.
Our Vision
We envision a new agrarian system free of poverty, oppression, and exploitation; and rooted in ecological stewardship, community and neighborly cooperation, and love for the land and all humankind.
Our Mission
We are bridge builders between government and restorative justice, diverse agrarian voices, equitable solutions, and inclusive communities.
Justice through Agrarian Equity (AgQuity)
We promote and foster sustainable agriculture, climate resilience, and food justice for diverse frontline members. We build equity for underrepresented, underserved, and disadvantaged farmers, workers, and communities, representing community-based organizations, coalitions, and alliances that serve our frontline members throughout policy development, advocacy, and implementation. We develop equitable and inclusive solutions, communities, and systems.
Humility through Servant Intentions
Our humility is rooted in sincere, altruistic, and intentional service to others without pride or egoism. We imbue humility into our work by devoting our time, talents, and treasurers to serving those most underserved in agrarian policies.
Compassion through Charitable Actions
Our compassion is expressed through loving-kindness and charitable actions for those suffering from social harm. We imbue compassion into our work by providing services and resources that focus on those historically underserved, socially excluded, and facing systemic oppression and exploitation.
We began every campaign, capacity-building project, or curriculum design with an evaluation of the problem
We strategize and develop unique plans
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Meet the team
At AgQuity Solutions, we are a team of talented individuals passionate about food and climate justice. Meet our team!